Majority of pet-related falls with injuries at home are caused by: a) Cats; b) Dogs?..

Home is where we all spend most of our time. We think this list contains low hanging fruit, easy to accomplish items, good starting points to help you be better protected in the environment of your home. Checking your home for safety hazards and installing night lights to prevent falls in the dark. Always keep the floor clear of tripping hazards… That includes our dogs. The CDC estimates that every year, more than 86,000 fall injuries are caused by pets. Dogs are the biggest culprits, causing 88 percent of the injuries!.. The typical injuries for pet-related falls were abrasions, contusions, and bone fractures. A huge majority of the pet-related falls and injuries were caused by dogs, not cats.
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Did you know if majority of pet-related falls with injuries at home are caused by: a) Cats; b) Dogs?..
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