Since 2016, we are the inventor of 20 – 21 inch Extra Tall toilets and the leader in our category. Trusted by thousands of our valued customers in the U.S. and Canada. We ship from Charlotte, NC. Please browse our site and let us know how we can help you.

Whimsical poem about the Tall Toilet

By Eddie In Convenient Height

We’ve asked Bing AI Copilot (artificial intelligence software by Microsoft) to write a poem about the Tall Toilets. Here is the UNEDITED version.

In the quiet corner of the bathroom,
Where porcelain dreams take shape,
Stands the tall toilet, regal and grand,
A throne for weary souls to escape.

Its seat, a lofty perch for contemplation,
Where thoughts flow like water down the drain,
As we ponder life’s mysteries and constellations,
Flush away worries, cleanse the mundane.

The tank, a reservoir of secrets and stories,
Holding whispered confessions and laughter,
A vessel that fills with each gentle pull,
Releasing burdens, leaving hearts lighter.

And oh, the flush! A thunderous cascade,
A rush of power, a cleansing flood,
As if the universe conspires to wash away
All that clings to us, both bad and good.

So raise a toast to the tall toilet,
A humble fixture with a lofty view,
Where moments of reflection and relief collide,
And we find solace in porcelain blue.

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