Feminine grace, old time handcrafting and latest engineering at the heart of the all new TOWER Tall Toilet

By Eddie In Tower

In the very early days of the Convenient Height Company, in 2016 to be precise, we developed a design which was so unique, so grand that at that time producing it in mass seemed just impossible. None of the porcelain or china material manufacturers in 2016 have even had a quick thought about creating a toilet bowl so tall, it would bend (literally) its own forms of standing tall, and in some ways lose the nightmarish battle to keep itself upright. Luckily, bending out of shape was not our destiny and we learned the way to comply with the laws of physics. That is when the original tall toilet, called The Convenient Height MODEL S, was born.

Tower tall toilet bowl concealed trap way skirted
Tower Tall Toilet features the concealed trap way design

Within last many years, we have not only perfected the process of the extra tall toilet manufacturing, but the Convenient Height brand created an entirely new bathroom fixture category now known so well as The Extra Tall Toilets. The Convenient Height Company inspired multiple other toilet makers to follow our lead and try to create Tall Toilets of their own. For eight years the Convenient Height brand has been bravely charging ahead with our original tall toilet, The MODEL S, at the helm. And then, not so long ago, in 2022, the new design ideas, new sketches of the prototype for new extra tall toilet started taking shape. During the development stage, internally, to maintain the secret excitement of the project it carried the code name of “Starship”, inspired by the Space exploration.

As you are reading these lines, our highly-skilled artisans are meticulously manufacturing something so incredible, we were destined to impress you anew.

Some may say it is nearly impossible to reinvent the tall toilet design once more, however here we are. As you are reading these lines almost uniquely it is happening in real time! Our highly-skilled artisans are meticulously creating something so incredible, we are destined to impress you anew. We conceived a structure classified again as megatall. And the name we’ve given it is worthy being paired with the grands of Eiffel in Paris, Prudential in Boston, Empire State in New York, Burj Khalifa in Dubai, World Financial Center in Shanghai… All known to the world as the Towers. Proudly, genuinely and humbly, today we invite you, dear friend, to say hello to the newest creation by the Convenient Height Co., named nothing less than The TOWER.

Tower tall toilet bowl concealed trap way skirted
Tower Tall Toilet by the Convenient Height

We learned that the more we go to the extremes of engineering, the more we need the human touch.

For the last years we were getting our hands dirty to produce something so pristine and immaculate, your own plumber, with humor of course, will be suggested to wear white cotton gloves while installing. From the beginning, the whole engineering process was based upon the series of moulds used to create precisely calibrated parts. We learned that the more we go to the extremes of engineering, the more we need the human touch. The basics the Convenient Height employs today are little changed from ‘the old days’, and HANDCRAFTING is always the leading component of the whole complex process. It’s part chemistry, part engineering; it is expertise passed down through the decade which shapes our new creation into an intended end item.

Feminine grace, old time handcrafting and latest engineering at the heart of the all new TOWER Tall Toilet
Feminine grace, old time handcrafting and latest engineering are at the heart of the TOWER tall toilet

However, one may find it amusing that the article of wonder has a heavy skirt! We call things what they are around here and we surely do not shy away from the fact that yes, the toilet bowl design features the most astonishing and awe-inspiring porcelain “clothing” – the toilet bowl skirt. In other words, professionally it is also known as a concealed toilet bowl trap way. But the feminine aspect of the design gives the TOWER its sophistication, finesse, and so much grace that those of us seeking flair and elegance in the bathroom will pursue the discovery to find it – whatever it takes.

And the TOWER tall toilet can now be ordered here

Watch the video of TOWER on YouTube

Tower Tall Toilet Video on Youtube
Easy access TOWER bowl side ports - for effortless install and maintenance
Easy access TOWER toilet bowl side ports – for effortless install and maintenance
Easy access TOWER toilet bowl side ports - for effortless install and maintenance - close up beautifully
Easy access TOWER toilet bowl side ports – for effortless install and maintenance – close up beautifully
Tower Tall Toilet in the Convenient Height tall toilet showroom in Charlotte, North Carolina
Tower Tall Toilet in the Convenient Height tall toilet showroom in Charlotte, North Carolina

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